My 5 Must-Have VS Code Extensions

3 min readJul 9, 2021

Mostly just pretty stuff.

If you come to vscode from notepad you’ll be blown away by the stock functionality of Microsoft’s free IDE. Themes, syntax highlighting and autocompleting tags are huge paradigm shift for someone used to a plain old text editor but when the new car smell has dissipated extensions can keep everything fresh.

  1. Prettier

Prettier is a code formatter for JS, TS, HTML, CSS and several other languages. It’s like if you had a fairy godmother that swooped in and magically fixed your handwriting when you were done writing something .(10/10 a must download)

2. REST Client

REST Client by Huacho Mao is a fantastically practical extension for backend web development. It allows you to make http requests to a server from a text file by writing requests in a very simple syntax highlighting them, right-clicking and selecting run. The response is shown in your editor to the side in a new tab. Requests and responses can be saved as files for easily keeping track of your api.

3. Live Server

Live server is an extension no web developer should go without. Serve your html / css / js projects locally and view live changes in the browser without having to reload the page. The creator (Ritwick Dey) also has a compatible Sass compiler extension for working with Sass (10/10 must download)

4. Code Spell Checker

I spell somethings very well; othors nt somuch. My language (English) is composed of loanwords from many many other languages and therefore it is sometimes hard to remember the ways words are spelled and many words spelling is purely rote memory rather than derivation from patterns, regardless, Code Spell Checker is an S-class extension and should come built into vscode.

5. Gruvbox Theme

Last but certainly not least is Gruvbox Theme. This extension contains dark and light themes of various degrees that all seem to just work. The contrast is perfect the colors are perfect, I don’t feel like I’m looking at the sun when using the light themes nor a black hole when using the dark themes. (50/10 you literally have to download this extension)


I hope this helped someone find an extension that got them excited to use vscode.

If you enjoyed my writing feel free to check out my website and connect with me on LinkedIn

